Total 38 Smiles Posted on #SILENCE Trend

#SmileAwards2016 #Silence and #smiles are two powerful tools.
#Smile is the way to #solve many #problems and, #Silence is the way to
#avoid many #problems
#Smile is the way to #solve many #problems and, #Silence is the way to
#avoid many #problems

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2988 Day(s) ago: Android

If U d0n't #Understand mI #SilenCe,
h0w wIll U Understand mI #w0rds _________________________________?

#Silence Is The Strong Fence Around #Wisdom,
If Your Foot Slips You Can Re-Gain Your Balance...!
If Your #Tongue Slips,
You Can Never Re-Build Your Image Again!
#GoodEvening #...!