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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #SaRiM Trend

Anila Jamil @Anila.2

#sarim.ali18 jb maine apko kha ky ap mary bhai bno to ap dost bnny ki zd ku kr rhy thy kya bhai bra relatn hy ya phr ap ky dil ma chor tha
3764 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sarim Chilasi @Sarim97

Life is Confusing
What we WANT we Don't Get &
What we Get we Are not SATISFIED

What we EXPECT Never Happens &
What we HATE Generaly Repeats,

Always be Happy with Sweet Smiling and Trust oF Allah,

*GooD MoRNiNG*
%Have a nice day

3995 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sarim Chilasi @Sarim97

Life is all about 3 "EEE"s.

1 Experience.
2 Experiment.
3 Expectation.

Yesterday was EXperience,

Today is EXperiment,

Tomorow wil be EXpectation.

Use your EXperience,
in your EXperiments to
Achieve your EXpectations.

4018 Day(s) ago: SMS

