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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #Sometimes Trend

#Sometimes You Look In The #Mirror And Think You Are The Most Beautiful Person Of The World Even Fall In #Love With Yourself :) :) :P :P
But Sometimes The Same Mirror Makes You Ugly :( ; ( ; (
3855 Day(s) ago: Mobile

#Sometimes One Thinks That We Ignore Them And We Think That They Ignore Us.
But Neither We Ignore Them Nor They Ignore Us. Because Of This Misconduct, We Try To Stay Away From Each Other, Gradually We Become Distant & A Relation Is Broken.
3855 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sundas @Sundass

#Sometimes people are nothing, you make them something..


When they become something,# they feel that you are nothing..?#

#GooD NiGHT,,,,,,
4208 Day(s) ago: SMS
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