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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #Television Trend

Electronics @Electronics

#Einstein photoelectric effect,
which is the emission
of electrons from some
solids when they're
struck by light.
#Television is a practical
#application of Einstein's
theory of light.
3499 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Shabbir Ali Shah @Nasamaj

aj k din #tv Ejaad hua.
#AUGUST 19. 1906 ko
#American Inventor PHILO FARNSWORTH. Ny ejaad kia. Aj #Television ka 107 wa #birthday ha. #info #gk #fun #mc #it
4217 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shabbir Ali Shah @Nasamaj

#iq In k inventor or us k #country name btain.
#tag user pm krn. Inam 5 #credit
4218 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shabbir Ali Shah @Nasamaj

#IQ #TEST In k inventor or us k country name btain.
#tag user pm krn. Inam 5 #credit
4218 Day(s) ago: SMS
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