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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #Tongue Trend

Waleed @Daffodilllx

#Silence Is The Strong Fence Around #Wisdom,

If Your Foot Slips You Can Re-Gain Your Balance...!


If Your #Tongue Slips,

You Can Never Re-Build Your Image Again!

#GoodEvening #...!+yes+ :) +good2+
3379 Day(s) ago: Mobile

The #tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.
3615 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Amarbail @Amarbail

#You want a real #jihad? Smile to your parents when you come #home. #Pray on time. #Control your #tongue, remind your #brothers and #sisters not to loosen theirs. Control your eyes, and control your #thoughts.” #QUOTE #ISLAM #PAKISTAN #MC #SMS #SMILE

4049 Day(s) ago: Web
Electric_doll @Chillimili

Feel the depth of this sentence #ALLAH does not like the hardness of #Tongue and #Heart that is why #ALLAH made them 'Boneless'.!!

4249 Day(s) ago: Web

