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Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Ukraine Trend

Chitral Market @Chitralmarket

Did You Know: #Chitral and #Ukraine are the only two places producing the Pear Special gens (Shoghori).
3619 Day(s) ago: Web
Amaduddin_watto @Amaduddinwatto

Amaduddin Watto (H 03465384360): @RT_com: URGENT: If lasting #Ukraine peace not found 'scenario is war' - Hollande
3687 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

Ghurbat Se Tang Maan Ne Nozaida Bachi 40,000 Rupay Me Firokht Kardi

#Russia K Sath Jung K Lye Mukammal Tor Pr Tayar He,


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3768 Day(s) ago: Web
Haris Ali @Scent

Over 1,600 relatives remember victims of downed flight MH17 in #Ukraine
3776 Day(s) ago: SMS
Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

#Malaysian #Plane Boeing777 Par #Ukraine Mei #Russian Border K Qarib #Missile Se Hamla, Amlay K Samet 280 Musafir Janbahaq, Gair Mulki #Media

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3892 Day(s) ago: Web
Syed @Sharfuddin

WorldNew: Russia's Defense Ministry has officially rejected our request to cover their military training on #Ukraine border. Nothing to see, they say
3999 Day(s) ago: SMS
Syed @Sharfuddin

SecretNews: Hacked Email From U.S. Army Attache In #Ukraine Reveal Planned False Fl8L0gNoTN #breakingnews,#military,#
4017 Day(s) ago: SMS
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