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Total 9 Smiles Posted on #Weakness Trend

Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk

The greatest thing in Life

Who knows all your
#Mistakes & #Weaknesses

But they still #Loves_You

You are the best thing

2920 Day(s) ago: Web
Lucky @Lucky-26

"You are #strong when you #know your #weaknesses.
You are #beautiful when you #appreciate your flaws.
You are wise when you #learn from your #mistakes."
3524 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hassan Khan @Khan-hassan

I'm #PeRfeCt iN mY #ImPeRfeCtiOnS, #HaPPy iN My #PaiN, #StRoNg iN My #WeAkNeSsEs AnD #BeAuTiFuL iN mY OwN #WaY BeCz
I'm Me..:-)
3556 Day(s) ago: SMS
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3


#SOft #NaTuRe Of A #PErSoN DOes Not MEan #Weakness,

#ReMeMbEr #NoTHiNg Is SOftEr THan #Water,
But itx #FOrce CaN BReaKs THe #Strength Of #Rock

3781 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sajid Malik @Outspoken

Rj-SaEeD: *
Sometimes, You Don't Realize Your Own #STRENGTH Until #Someone Tries To Take Advantage Of Your #WEAKNESS :(

3910 Day(s) ago: SMS

Sometimes, You Don't Realize Your Own #STRENGTH Until #Someone Tries To Take Advantage Of Your #WEAKNESS :(
3910 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Emaan @Chocllatykuri

Your Lips My Biggest Weaknes ..:*:-P
#kiss #lips #weakness #sunnyleone :-P #addme #meetme #facebook #sweetii #help #smile #poetry #mc #emaan :-*
3938 Day(s) ago: SMS

#Soft Nature Of A Person Does Not Mean #Weakness,

Remember Nothing Is Softer Than #Water,
But its Force Can Breaks The #Strength Of #Rock.
Salam to all,hru all?
#sad #add
3949 Day(s) ago: SMS
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