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Total 335 Smiles Posted on #World Trend


There are 7 billion people in the #world.
If you met each person for 1 second, it would take 32 years to meet everyone.
2726 Day(s) ago: SMS
Anonymouss @Darksoulls

#HAPPYFATHER`S day to AwlL 4rnds

One Father is More Thn a Hundred SchoolMasters.

YA #ALLAH Give Our Parentx Good #HEALTH a Long #LIFE N Keep Them #SAFE
#GOD #BLESS ALL the Fathers in the #WORLD.
Guide Thm to B Good Role
N Loving to all their Children.

2834 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk

The best #message saluting woman
(One line #describes it all)

You're One half
Of the #world
And the reason
For the other Half.

Happy #Women's Day.<3

2936 Day(s) ago: Web
Perfume @Perfume

#world .....
2993 Day(s) ago: SMS
Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

Best #Language In #World....?

English 1 Vote(s)5%
Urdu 15 Vote(s)75%
Arabic 1 Vote(s)5%
Pashto 2 Vote(s)10%
Hindi 1 Vote(s)5%

3047 Day(s) ago: Android

Barri Talab Hy Tere Deedar Ki Be-Chain Nigahon Ko

Aj Chale Aao Na.. ,Khuwab men Ek pal K ley.):).
3247 Day(s) ago: SMS
Killer_munda @Mama.kiii.jan

yE HoTiIi HaI GamE PakIsTanIyo :) :) :)
Ur gRaeaT wIesT-InDies :) <3 <3 <3

GoOoD JoB #BraTHwaITe + #SimIoLs :) :)
ApniIi LyFe Me PeHLiIi DaFa AisiIi InnIng DekHiIi :)

#Goro k MoUn sy #worLD_cUP NikaL Liya :) <3 <3 <3
3275 Day(s) ago: Web

