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Total 9 Smiles Posted on #bestmoment Trend

Fariha @Shonilizza

Ye 2n0 ab Mc pe Nh h,

KOi Mri SaaLi
Her Bro, meaN SaLay:-o:-p
TK M3ra
! LOvE yOu
PoHNCHa Do,:-*


3470 Day(s) ago: SMS
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#huda #bestmoment
1st kiss yo ur child when he/she born. . Wish you all such great moments of life. . . :)
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#huda #bestmoment
Getting a hug from one who cares you :*
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#huda #bestmoment
Holding hands with your loved ones for a walk <3
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#huda #bestmoment
finding money in old dress when needed. . .:)
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda


A sweet and emotional chat with frnds :)
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#huda #bestmoment
thinking your love with tears. . .:)
Looking old photos and smiling :)
3707 Day(s) ago: Mobile
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