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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #bridge Trend

Chitral @Chitral

#Chitral: came from the #SRSP.
The 120 feet long #bridge
was completed within a
short period of 10 months.
Local people at a function
held to open the bridge
said that the #Sarghuz
bridge was damaged in
2009 when a rock fell on
3702 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Chitral @Chitral

#CHITRAL: Nov 3: A new
bridge connecting #Sarghuz
village with #Mastuj in
upper #Chitral was opened
on Monday.
The #bridge was
constructed at a cost of
Rs.6.5 million 20% of
which was contributed by
the local community
(Rs.0.64 million) and the
rest came from
3702 Day(s) ago: Mobile

#Bridge And Wall Are Made With The Same Material
But Bridge Joins People And Wall Divides People
Choose The Right One...
#Stay Blessed.
#share it plz..
#add A.s.khan ...
3946 Day(s) ago: SMS
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