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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #discovery Trend

Farah @Lovely-farah

"Mistakes are the portals of #discovery."
3403 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

NASA s Curiosity rover has found nitrogen on the surface of #Mars, a significant #discovery that adds to evidence the #Red Planet could once have sustained #life, the #space agency said Tuesday. #NASA
3653 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Nisha @Mmmsms

(Information) - Radio Ko Marconi" Ny 1901 Mai Ejad Kya Ta. - Photo Copy Ka
Masheen Rene Fraguan Ny 1900 Mai Ejad Kya Ta. #Discoveries
3718 Day(s) ago: Web
Quotepak @Quotepak

4292 Day(s) ago: Web

