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Total 10 Smiles Posted on #fbr Trend

Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

#NAB Ne #FBR K 3 Sabiq Sarbrahan Salman Siddique, Abdullah Yousuf Aur Ali Arshad Hakeem K Khilaf Corruption Tahqeeqat Ki Manzoori De Di.


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3559 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Electronics @Electronics

Ab #FBR #Facebook , #Google, #Dailymotion, #Yahoo or dosry bry websites par 35% #Tax lagyega. FBR ka kehna ha k ye sary cmpanies India, UAE, Egypt. Ma hakumat ko tax dty hain tou #Pakistan ma q nahe.‎‏ ‏Pakstnion ny 25arab PKR ki advrtisng ki ha.
3697 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Saleem Asghar @Saleem.4068

Tahrik-e-Taliban #Pakistan ke 6 Commanders Ne Khalifa Bughdadi (#ISIS #Mujahideen ke Sarbara) ke Hath Par Baighat Karli.
Income Tax Ki Adam Adaigi Par #FBR Ne #Pakistan #Cricket Team Ky Captain Misbah-ul-Haq Shaheen Ky Bank Accounts Munjamid Kar Diye....
3804 Day(s) ago: Web
Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

#Sports Updates:

Income Tax Ki Adam Adaigi Par #FBR Ne #Pakistan #Cricket Team Ky Captain Misbah-ul-Haq Shaheen Ky Bank Accounts Munjamid Kar Diye.


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3804 Day(s) ago: Web
Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

#Islamabad: #FIA Ka #Election Commission Aur #FBR Ko Khat,Tahir-ul-Qadri Aur #Pakistan Awami Tehreek Kay Asasoon Ki Tafseelat Talab,Zarai

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3914 Day(s) ago: Web
Globalnews_021 @Globalnews021

1200 Sy 1299cc Gari Pr 1750/=
1300 Sy 1599cc Pr 3000/=
1600 Sy 1999cc Pr 4000/=
2000cc Sy Oper Ki Gariyo Pr Salana 8000/=Rupay Tax Aaid #FBR
4109 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rahat @Bad-baby

#FBR Ne #PTA Ke Accounts Block Kar Diye,
PTA Ne 2 Arab Rupay Tax Nahi Dia.
Send To 80O1.
For #UrduPoetry
4297 Day(s) ago: Web
Rahat @Bad-baby

#FBR Reduces Imposed Sales Tax On Mobile Phone Imports, Imposes Rs. 250 SIM Activation Tax.
Mobile With 2MP Camera
Rs. 150+Tax
4306 Day(s) ago: Web
Shahzeb @Sh4hz3b

-Scammers Use #FBR to Trap #Online #Bank #Account Holders
-#Twitter Introduces Two-Step Authentication
-#HTC Unveils Dual #SIM the Desire 600 #Smartphone
More at
4307 Day(s) ago: Web
Rahat @Bad-baby

#Scammers Use #FBR To Trap Online Bank Account Holders In #Pakistan To Snatch Their Username And Password.
So, Be CareFul.
4308 Day(s) ago: Web

