Total 8 Smiles Posted on #founder Trend

Meaning of this post is
u #smile once and i'll
Promise to keep u Happy
smile emoticon FOREVER
Especially uuu mc #Founder Shehzad bahi
u #smile once and i'll
Promise to keep u Happy
smile emoticon FOREVER

Especially uuu mc #Founder Shehzad bahi

#Father of the #nation #Quaid-e-Azam #Muhammad #Ali Jinnah's #achievement as the #founder of #Pakistan dominates every-thing else he did in his long nd #public #life spanning some 42years. . .
#Father of the #nation #Quaid-e-Azam #Muhammad #Ali Jinnah's #achievement as the #founder of #Pakistan dominates every-thing else he did in his long nd #public #life spanning some 42years. . .

#mc Good Morning-*
See how beatifully Allah has added colouring day in your life...
Welcome the day with smile on your face....!
See how beatifully Allah has added colouring day in your life...
Welcome the day with smile on your face....!

Aalam Islam Ko AN Team Ki Janab Se New Islamic Year 1435 Hijri Mubarak Ho.
#Founder Aijaz Wadhelo#C.E Azad Idrees#Editor Abdul Haq#Zahid Haron#Farid Anwer
4148 Day(s) ago: SMS

Team AN#Founder Aijaz Wadhelo#Cheif Editor Azad Idrees#M.Editor Fareed Anwer#Editor Abdul Haque#Sub Editor Zahid Haroon#Advertisement Incharge Anas