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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #infinity Trend

Mac @Xeee

“Tears are words that need to be written.” !!

3743 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shahabkhan @Spysessa

I'm not want to buy Iphone6 because i want advanced Tec than Iphone. So, i'm waite for Iphone-N
#infinity #haha #ADilNadanSambhalJa
3744 Day(s) ago: SMS
Mac @Xeee

Make Your thoughts pozitive and clear becauze az drops combined to make a river
Your thoughts make Your character...!
And You know one drop of vinegar can spoil all the milk likewize one bad thought can spoil Your characters.. :)
3765 Day(s) ago: SMS
Mac @Xeee


Lovely times of life will not return back.
But the lovely relations and the missing memories of good peoples stay in heart forever.
AsalamOaleekum Everyone...
3820 Day(s) ago: SMS
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