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Total 8 Smiles Posted on #jahiL Trend

Guriya @Anmol-gurya

AaJ Ki #BaAt,,,

#JaHiL Ke #SaMne #AqaL Ki BaAt Na KaRo,,,
KuN ke PheLy Wo #BehaS karega PhiR #ApNi #HaAr dekh k #TmhRa #DuShMaN BaN Jaega..
2896 Day(s) ago: Android
Xxmalangi007xx @Xxmalangio07xx


Ye lo is ta pegham phncha do yar . BLACKLIST MGT:
Thank you,
II.-3-0-2-.II successfully blacklisted

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3360 Day(s) ago: SMS
V3hh-shii D4rind4 @Zehhniimareeez



#Jism Ki Pooja Ko #Mohabbat Kehta Hai Aaj Ka #Falsafa,,,!

Yehi Door-E-Hazir Ki #Mohabbat Hai, To Mein #Jahil Hi Sahiā€¦!
3710 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

ImranKhan & #PTI called off their Sit-ins 4 the sake of #Pakistan over Peshawar tragedy & showed Himself a National Leader.

But sad 2 see still some idiots bashing Him.

3745 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Iftikhar Elahi @Iffie.06

Madaris Khatam Karke Secular Taleemi Idaaray Banana Chahta Hu...
Tahir Ul Qadri


Lanat he is bande pr iske man'ne walo pr or iska 7 dene walo pr...

3833 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Nayab Butt @Nakhrili

>> RoZ KehTa Hy MiLoN Ga Aaj TuM Sy ..

RoZ KrWaTa Hy PhLooN Ki PaTTiyaN KhaRaB :-@

3851 Day(s) ago: SMS

#AaLim Ka Aik Gunah Bakhshny Se QabL #jahiL ke 70 Gunah Bakhsh Diye jaty Hen, *iMAM SADiQ a.s, GDP_147
Follow Raah_e_Hidayat
& Send on 8-00-1
3956 Day(s) ago: SMS

#AaLim Ka Aik Gunah Bakhshny Se QabL #jahiL ke 70 Gunah Bakhsh Diye jaty Hen, *iMAM SADiQ a.s, GDP_147
Follow Raah_e_Hidayat
& Send on 9033
3956 Day(s) ago: SMS

