Total 47 Smiles Posted on #lesson Trend

Don't show your employer what you do in the workplace. show him what can't be done without you. that's how your worth will be realized. #Lesson 


When we #Fail to Understand the #Lesson at the right time,
#Life makes us understand the same lesson at the wrong time.
#AssaLamALaikum #

#Life makes us understand the same lesson at the wrong time.
#AssaLamALaikum #

Never Blame Someone
In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories ....

In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories ....

Never Blame Someone
In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories ....

In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories ....

"Kbi B Ksi K Chehray Ko Mat Dekho Balky Usky Dil Ko Dekho.
"Q k Agr Safaid Rang Me Wafa Hoti
To Nmk Zakhmo Ki Dwa Hota,
#Good #Lesson
"Q k Agr Safaid Rang Me Wafa Hoti
To Nmk Zakhmo Ki Dwa Hota,
#Good #Lesson
3656 Day(s) ago: SMS

Never tHiNk aLot aBouT anY thInG
it cAn bE CauSe Of huRt
and itS aLso gIve bad ImPreSsioN on YouR BraIn
Never tHiNk aLot aBouT anY thInG
it cAn bE CauSe Of huRt
and itS aLso gIve bad ImPreSsioN on YouR BraIn
3682 Day(s) ago: Mobile

If soMe onE reaLy left you
So dont think about it aGaiN & AgaiN
Just saY it
Its Good To be bad
If soMe onE reaLy left you
So dont think about it aGaiN & AgaiN
Just saY it
Its Good To be bad
3702 Day(s) ago: Mobile

A #Lesson we could got from Water ;
"Adjust yourself in Every Situation, In Any shape, At Any time and Always find out Your own way.."
"Adjust yourself in Every Situation, In Any shape, At Any time and Always find out Your own way.."