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Total 47 Smiles Posted on #lesson Trend

Kareem Nawaz @Kareem17

Don't show your employer what you do in the workplace. show him what can't be done without you. that's how your worth will be realized. #Lesson :P
3313 Day(s) ago: Android
Waleed @Daffodilllx

When we #Fail to Understand the #Lesson at the right time,

#Life makes us understand the same lesson at the wrong time.

#AssaLamALaikum #:) :) <3 <3
3408 Day(s) ago: Mobile
U-xman @Therapper

Tenu Changi Tarah Aqal sikha K Chaddun ga :P

Means teach u #lesson truely
3543 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Zofshan Ali @Zofshan

The greatest #lesson of life is that you are responsible for your life.
3627 Day(s) ago: Web
Preety Doll @Rohma.butt

Never Blame Someone
In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories .... <3 :)
3633 Day(s) ago: Web
Deep Thinker @Black.rose

Never Blame Someone
In Your #Life
Good People Give You
Bad People Give You
Worst People Give You
And Best People Give You
#Memories .... <3 :)
3639 Day(s) ago: Web
Sheraz Mirza @Sheraz.26

"Kbi B Ksi K Chehray Ko Mat Dekho Balky Usky Dil Ko Dekho.

"Q k Agr Safaid Rang Me Wafa Hoti
To Nmk Zakhmo Ki Dwa Hota,

#Good #Lesson
3656 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ali_waris @Zohaib-abbas

Never tHiNk aLot aBouT anY thInG
it cAn bE CauSe Of huRt
and itS aLso gIve bad ImPreSsioN on YouR BraIn

3682 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ali_waris @Zohaib-abbas

If soMe onE reaLy left you
So dont think about it aGaiN & AgaiN
Just saY it
Its Good To be bad
3702 Day(s) ago: Mobile

A #Lesson we could got from Water ;

"Adjust yourself in Every Situation, In Any shape, At Any time and Always find out Your own way.."

3745 Day(s) ago: SMS

