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Total 6 Smiles Posted on #method Trend

Haris Ali @Scent

'll Repeat facebook hacking method tomorrow at 10:00pm.
Ask Your friends to sms UFM on 8333,
#Method #HAcking #hack #tricks #trix #Fb #mc #smile #meetme #love #chat #khi
4083 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shahmeer @Brilliant

I have #learnt the #method to #pass those #moments when U're unreachable i recall ur last #conversation & #read #your #msgs #again & #again
4106 Day(s) ago: SMS
Mubbashir @Joxes

#help BLIST snd to long no or 8333
NoOr-E-HijaAb Smiled about #Mc
#meetme kia hm apni #blacklist check kr skte hen...#methOd plz #smile #KPK #PTA
Mc off ni hui
4220 Day(s) ago: SMS
Umaimaa @Umaimaa


#Mc uxez Agr Mc #off krna chahyn to kisi b #time kr skty hn.

Wo bhe 8333 KE bJaay #LoNg #No pe.

G haaan.

Jst Type " ON " aND Snd it to MC LoNg No.

Or again oN Krny k liye b same #Method use kryn.

100% w0rking.




4234 Day(s) ago: Web

