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Total 10 Smiles Posted on #nothing Trend

Abdul Hadi @Rajaji

I haVe #NotHinG To SaY To My HearT
I know How it #Feels About You.. <3
3296 Day(s) ago: Web
Saifian @Saifian

#nothing is boring it depends on our thoughts how we think n how we deliver our thoughts simple night is pleasant of almighty how can it b boring?
3492 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dua @Dua.358

3531 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dua @Dua.358

3547 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ali Hassan @Ali.hassan8

3628 Day(s) ago: SMS
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3


#SOft #NaTuRe Of A #PErSoN DOes Not MEan #Weakness,

#ReMeMbEr #NoTHiNg Is SOftEr THan #Water,
But itx #FOrce CaN BReaKs THe #Strength Of #Rock

3781 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khurram @Blueocean

#Nothing is more changeable than Time and a Woman. - Romanian Proverb
3790 Day(s) ago: SMS
Baka Mono @Luffy

May God remember U like Noah, Favor U like Joseph, Honor U like Mary, Fight 4 U like Israelites And prosper U like Abraham.

“Happy Father’s Day”


3844 Day(s) ago: Web
Amarbail @Amarbail


#Nothing else.


#Just muslims


»Our#religion is One.

»Our#Lord is One.

»Our#Book is One.

»Our#Prophet is One.

»We are One #Ummah .

#Then#why so#many SECTS
3945 Day(s) ago: Web
Shahmeer @Brilliant

#who says #NOTHING is #impossible
#my #mc #friends have been #doing nothing since the #day I accepted their friendship request
No pm
No #comments
#dead #silence
4010 Day(s) ago: SMS
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