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Total 10 Smiles Posted on #philosophy Trend

Muhammad Adeel Ijaz @Adeelijaz3

3312 Day(s) ago: Android
Hay Kahan @Haykahan

"control your #words ...

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#Biggest #philosophy of a
#successful #life
When #you are #alone ,
#Control your #thoughts
When you are in
3527 Day(s) ago: SMS
Waleed @Daffodilllx

#Three #Great #Philosophies:...!

1. Ability Can Never Remain Hidden...!

2. No Injury Is Deeper Than Insult...!

3. The birth Of Tension Is The Death Of Talent...!
3544 Day(s) ago: Web
Kiran @Kiran-rehan

#Biggest #philosophy of a
#successful #life
When #you are #alone ,
#Control your #thoughts
When you are in #crowd,
"control your #words ...
3583 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khuram37 @Khuram37.53

#smile .
HaSsAn-PaThaN: Biggest #philosophy of a #successful life'.
When u r #alone,
"Cntrl ur #thoughts"
when u r in #crowd,
"contrl ur #words.''

3633 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hassan Khan @Khan-hassan

Biggest #philosophy of a #successful life'.

When u r #alone,
"Cntrl ur #thoughts"
when u r in #crowd,
"contrl ur #words.''

#Meet me
3635 Day(s) ago: SMS
Faisal @Aab-shar

Usi #IQBAL ki main justju karta raha barson
Bri muddat k bad akhir wo Shaheen zair e daam aaya
Had e idrak sy bahr hain batein #Ishq o masti ki
Smjh mein es qdar aya k dil ki moat hai doori.
#mc #poetry #Philosophy
3950 Day(s) ago: SMS
Perfume @Perfume

4125 Day(s) ago: SMS
Tab Bhatti @Hex

ThE BiGgEsT #PhiLoSopHy 0f LiFe:) C0nTrOl YOur ThOuGhTs WheN YOu ArE AlOnE
4204 Day(s) ago: Web
Aasi @Thequotes

When truth has no burning, then it is #philosophy, when it gets burning from the heart, it becomes #poetry.

- Allama #Iqbal

#quotes #quote
4222 Day(s) ago: SMS

