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Total 5 Smiles Posted on #scholarship Trend

Poetry Bank @Engnrg

Diya pak provides scholarships
They don't bound to provide it during specific time and provide upto 35000/year
For detail contect with me. Write now Add Engineer1 or listen Engineer1 nd send to 8333 or 03318190479
3515 Day(s) ago: SMS
Poetry Bank @Engnrg

#scholarship admission for fata area
1) auto mechanic
2) building electrition
3) comp
4) engnrng survey
5) mobile preparing
Qualification middle
Books + 2500/month will b given to the stdent
3515 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Humayun Khan @Humayun32

3632 Day(s) ago: SMS
Gul @Mehak.gul

For Studnts who want to seek admission n class 6th,7th,8th,9th & 1st year(Engineering/Med/ & Dba).Such studnts r required to get forms 4m Nts ,after qualifiyng test,thy wil b educatd n Prestigous Sch/unis undr Edcon Asian Schlrshp.4 furthr query visi
4032 Day(s) ago: SMS

