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Total 531 Smiles Posted on #umii Trend

Poet @Tmgdajdma

3917 Day(s) ago: SMS
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

Best inspiring message of the year?
If u r born poor, its not your mistake
if u die poor, its your mistake
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

Silence & smile are two powerful tools.
Smile is the way to solve many problems.
Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

A race horse that consistently
runs just 1 second faster
than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don't compromise on 2nd position in life.
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
never expect yourself to be given a good value
create a value of your own.
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

If a drop of water falls in
lake there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus
it shine like a pearl.
so choose the best place
where you would shine..
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

A Lot Of Trouble In The World
Will Disappear,
If Everyone Learns To Talk To
Each Other
Instead Of
...Talking About Each Other ... !!
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

The compatibility of a couple
and the quality of a relationship
lies in the way
they handle their arguments and differences.
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

Beautiful quote on anger :-)

"If u r right then there is no need to get Angry"


"if u r wrong then u dont have any right to be Angry"
3917 Day(s) ago: Web
Umar @Ink

#uMii #RJ99 #RoXeN #RoYaLROxEN #uM3r #uM4r #0Mar #BHooT #JiN #OKARA #RJ-99

live well & be happy all d time..
it's the greatest revenge 4 those
who avoided & hurted u..
3917 Day(s) ago: Web

