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Afsar Ali Khan (xxzionestxx)
Last seen 2910 Day(s) Ago
Male 32 years old,Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: Govt. College Daggar (KPK)
Currently, Student of MCS, Founder of Two Star, Co-Founder at Radio Buner, Lect at BPIMS, Web/APP Developer,
Last seen 2910 Day(s) Ago
Male 32 years old,Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: Govt. College Daggar (KPK)
Currently, Student of MCS, Founder of Two Star, Co-Founder at Radio Buner, Lect at BPIMS, Web/APP Developer,

ريبار ورکوټی اوس زلمی شو
اوس بې تپوسه يار له ځي شکمن يې کړمه
اوس بې تپوسه يار له ځي شکمن يې کړمه

Who you are going to support in next elections for future of #Pakistan?
PMLN 16 Vote(s)28%
PTI 32 Vote(s)56%
PPP 2 Vote(s)4%
Others 8 Vote(s)14%

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