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Science (DISCOVER)
Last seen 2028 Day(s) Ago
Male 28 years old,Wah cantt, Punjab
Smiles 1,303 Friends 100Listeners 504Interests 9
Science @Discover

Math of Eating

2028 Day(s) ago: Android
Science @Discover

The longest Total Lunar Eclipse called `Blood Moon’ would occur on July 27 & 28 2018.
Eclipse would start at 2215 hours on Friday night.
Partial Eclipse @ 2324 hours
Total Eclipse @ 1230 hours.
Greatest @ 0123 to 0215 hour & end @ 0429 hours.

2102 Day(s) ago: Android
Science @Discover

Som Interesting #Facts about the Earth

2119 Day(s) ago: Android
Science @Discover

Build Three Factories In Your #Life
Ice Factory in #Brain
Sugar Factory In Tongue
#Love Factory In #Heart
Then Your Life will Be Satis-Factory
2651 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Science @Discover

Once Upon A Time:

2651 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Science @Discover

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
View it now on your Mobile click on

2651 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Science @Discover

11 Styles To Get Success

2651 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Smile a product of Veevo Tech.

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