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Aiza Khan (Aizakhan)
Last seen 3425 Day(s) Ago
Female 32 years old,Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i m Aiza khan.books reading is my hobby.i love Islam very much.i like to follow islam from wholeheartdly.
Last seen 3425 Day(s) Ago
Female 32 years old,Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i m Aiza khan.books reading is my hobby.i love Islam very much.i like to follow islam from wholeheartdly.

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3440 Day(s) ago: Web

Asslam o alaikum Happy rainy and cool day 

Asslam o alaikum

Career Tip
It helps to write your goals down and break them into smaller goals and achievements to lead toward a greater end.
It helps to write your goals down and break them into smaller goals and achievements to lead toward a greater end.

CRITICISM: When your work or behavior is criticized, try not to take it personally. Chances are there's something in it you can learn from.

Career Tip
ATTITUDE: You can't control the world around you, only your reaction to it. Use the occasion to learn how to be more confident and independent.
ATTITUDE: You can't control the world around you, only your reaction to it. Use the occasion to learn how to be more confident and independent.
3558 Day(s) ago: SMS

Asslam o alaikum.

last night I's playing #Badminton with my cousins before #Esha Prayer. It's easy, entertaining but good exercising #game
Assalam O Alai Kum Wa Alu Kum
Assalam O Alai Kum Wa Alu Kum