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Alamzeb (Alamzeb.48)
Last seen 3073 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Smiles 2 Interests 2
Alamzeb @Alamzeb.48 via Deputy Commissioner Peshawar @Dc-peshawar

District Nazim Arbab Asim Khan and ADC Osama Warraich conducted raid on tea factory in Yakatoot area where dye color was being added to open tea and then it was being packed in various packings. The factory was sealed, it's owner was arrested and the entire stock was confiscated.
A number of petrol pumps were also checked on the GT road and it was noted with satisfaction that all the pumps were properly following the standards. The visiting party also included Assistant Commissioner Mumtaz, AAC Shoaib and AD CPC Saeed Bacha.
3159 Day(s) ago: SMS
Alamzeb @Alamzeb.48

rate of chiken and other items
3220 Day(s) ago: SMS
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