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Last seen 3012 Day(s) Ago
Female , 17 years old,Karachi, Sindh
Its very easy to hurt someone and then say "Sorry" But its really very difficult to get hurt and say "its ok, i

Hum ne kaanton ko bhi barri narmi se chhua hai,
Log beādard hain phoolon ko massal dete hain..
Log beādard hain phoolon ko massal dete hain..
3576 Day(s) ago: SMS

Kedii (TEmbElL.KeDi) Smiled about #Share
axSalLam'o'alLaikum ..........

Drood'e'pak ki qasrat kijiyeeee

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SHarE Kwr k hMari 50 v krwA 2...:-)
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3 M0rE THaN #CENTurY..:-)
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