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Atif Khan Marwat (Atif826)
Last seen 3201 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Last seen 3201 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


#RightNowJeye Jeye PTI Jeye. . . Tajawazat k khelaf operation pe Awam k naare, ayanda b PTI ko vote dene k khule aama elanat. . . Go Ahead PTI KPK GOVT
Rgt nw frm Pesh City
Rgt nw frm Pesh City

#EducationMakesU "ham elm ki shama bujhne ni denge" is my 2015 slogan.
i'm ready to help all educationists,
My name is atif nd my # is
i'm ready to help all educationists,
My name is atif nd my # is
3726 Day(s) ago: SMS

#RightNow Tamam Teachers Sahibaan ko chaheye k wo during their keep a strict eye in the school's area, we shouldnt sleep any more, enough is enough
3727 Day(s) ago: SMS