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Bilal Jamari (Awaz-E-PaKisTaN)
Last seen 381 Day(s) Ago
Male 27 years old,Hyderabad, Sindh
Life is one_way road where we can see back but we cann't go back,so,be carefully to take decission in your life.
Last seen 381 Day(s) Ago
Male 27 years old,Hyderabad, Sindh
Life is one_way road where we can see back but we cann't go back,so,be carefully to take decission in your life.

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3445 Day(s) ago: Mobile

When ur Time is G0od then ur Mistakes are taken as a j0kes.Bt
When ur Time is Bad, then even ur J0kes are n0ticed as Mistakes..
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When ur Time is Bad, then even ur J0kes are n0ticed as Mistakes..
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3497 Day(s) ago: SMS

#International News
#National news
#Sports News
#Superb P0etry
#Mouth Watering Jokes
#Ye Sb Hasil Krne K Liye Abi E
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#National news
#Sports News
#Superb P0etry
#Mouth Watering Jokes
#Ye Sb Hasil Krne K Liye Abi E
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3507 Day(s) ago: SMS

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Friends: 150
Balance: Rs.1419.750
No, Activate Service
Friends: 150
Balance: Rs.1419.750
No, Activate Service
3522 Day(s) ago: SMS

Bahaar_E_EiD Bhi, APne Liye Bahaar NaHi...*
Iss EiD Par To, KiSi Ka BHi InTazar NaHi...*
Iss EiD Par To, KiSi Ka BHi InTazar NaHi...*
3532 Day(s) ago: SMS

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For Islamic Msgs,Best Poetry,Superb Jokes,Health Tips,Good Quotions,Genral Knowledge And Many Other Tremendous Inf0rmati0n,
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For Islamic Msgs,Best Poetry,Superb Jokes,Health Tips,Good Quotions,Genral Knowledge And Many Other Tremendous Inf0rmati0n,
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3532 Day(s) ago: SMS

MEri EiD Ka Ta'alluq TEri DeeD Sey RaHa Hai,,,,,,*
Na H0Yee DeeD TEri Na H0Yee Hai EiD MEri,,,,*
Na H0Yee DeeD TEri Na H0Yee Hai EiD MEri,,,,*
3533 Day(s) ago: SMS

Is BaAr Mein Kis TArAh EiD ManAo Ga..
Mera Apna CHaND To Meelon Door Basta Ha..
3533 Day(s) ago: SMS