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Sehar Ayesh (Ayesh786)
Last seen 2377 Day(s) Ago
Sehar Ayesh (Ayesh786) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 2377 Day(s) Ago
Sehar Ayesh (Ayesh786) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

There is no such things as coincidence.
If it's meant to happen,it happens.
All of this was meant to happen,and it did.
Fire met water.
But neither the water evaporated,nor the fire went out.
The flames swallowed the entire city.
All they felt was pain. And What
If it's meant to happen,it happens.
All of this was meant to happen,and it did.
Fire met water.
But neither the water evaporated,nor the fire went out.
The flames swallowed the entire city.
All they felt was pain. And What

4 Oct 2k 17......
10:47 pm
10:47 pm

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