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Arrogantbella (Bella)
Last seen 2161 Day(s) Ago
Arrogantbella (Bella) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 2161 Day(s) Ago
Arrogantbella (Bella) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

Too Many Disappointments Are Usually Sign Of Too Many Expectations ... !!

Spend your time to those who love you unconditionally....
Not with those who love you only when the condition is right for them..!!
Not with those who love you only when the condition is right for them..!!

"Nice words written on a balloon which was flying high up in the sky
"It is Not What's Outside, But What's Inside,
That takes you To The TOP"
"It is Not What's Outside, But What's Inside,
That takes you To The TOP"
3302 Day(s) ago: SMS

Good morning
.. Weather is getting change ...!

"Care Only For Those Who Deserve It...!
Because We are Not Jokers To Entertain Everyone."
Because We are Not Jokers To Entertain Everyone."

Never love with the expectation of being loved back, that is not true love.

"Care Only For Those Who Deserve It...!
Because We are Not Jokers To Entertain Everyone."
Because We are Not Jokers To Entertain Everyone."