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Muzzamil bilal (BiLoo)
Last seen 2712 Day(s) Ago
Male 30 years old,Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: UET Pesh (KPK)
student of chemical engineering in UET Peshawar and also actuve member of ISF. . .EXTEREME Insafian
Last seen 2712 Day(s) Ago
Male 30 years old,Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: UET Pesh (KPK)
student of chemical engineering in UET Peshawar and also actuve member of ISF. . .EXTEREME Insafian

Here weekend comes to end.. One of most worst evening of whole week..
Kanaa.. Ka ghalat yaya
Kanaa.. Ka ghalat yaya

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1 Like
2712 Day(s) ago: Android

Fools need Advice most, but wise Men only are the better for it.
-Benjamin Franklin
-Benjamin Franklin
1 Like
1 Like
2712 Day(s) ago: Android

For so long am thinking about to again start a service about quotation..
Need your support, just tells your friends to join us on largest social media team
Need your support, just tells your friends to join us on largest social media team

Hello everyone, hope sms will find you in a good health

ye bhi kia life-
study study and one day everything will be finished-
so much exhausted from this..
study study and one day everything will be finished-
so much exhausted from this..

exam days-
Group study-
Aaloo Paratay + Chay..
so much fun,,khannay hay ajaao
Group study-
Aaloo Paratay + Chay..
so much fun,,khannay hay ajaao