
Biloo smile profile
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Muzzamil bilal (BiLoo)
Last seen 2712 Day(s) Ago
Male 30 years old,Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: UET Pesh (KPK)
student of chemical engineering in UET Peshawar and also actuve member of ISF. . .EXTEREME Insafian

Here weekend comes to end.. One of most worst evening of whole week..
Kanaa.. Ka ghalat yaya
2712 Day(s) ago: Android

I shall assume that your silence gives consent

2712 Day(s) ago: Android

Fools need Advice most, but wise Men only are the better for it.
-Benjamin Franklin
2712 Day(s) ago: Android

For so long am thinking about to again start a service about quotation..
Need your support, just tells your friends to join us on largest social media team
2713 Day(s) ago: Android

Hye friends, good evening
2713 Day(s) ago: Android

Hello everyone, hope sms will find you in a good health
2713 Day(s) ago: Android

ye bhi kia life-
study study and one day everything will be finished-
so much exhausted from this..
2930 Day(s) ago: Web

exam days-
Group study-
Aaloo Paratay + Chay..
so much fun,,khannay hay ajaao
2930 Day(s) ago: Web

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