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Scofield (BunTi)
Last seen 2302 Day(s) Ago
Male , 18 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
i, me &myself :-)
Last seen 2302 Day(s) Ago
Male , 18 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
i, me &myself :-)

#bestOF2016 thE daY wHeN i washeD my jeans oN mY behaLf -
& 1st time made greEn teA for my tutor in hostel


#myquestioN yEp hoNa chaheY, coZ isS tarah boYs regularlY saY clasSes attend krty hyN, 2ndly wo isS dar say parhty hyn k clasS men girls k samNy hamari insult na ho jaye,
funNy buT faCtual

#diltootmoment hye hye lagta dilL peh at0m b0mb giraya gaya
, yh dil hye ya heroshema aur nagasaki :-) :-D

3051 Day(s) ago: SMS

#diltootamoment wheN i sEe couple at niGht 0n fOotpath in december walking with cheek by jowl, hyeE oYeE, -

3051 Day(s) ago: SMS