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Zafar (Guest75)
Last seen 3843 Day(s) Ago
Male , 23 years old,Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
slam to all frnd
Smiles 120 Listeners 3Interests 7
Zafar @Guest75

3843 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#help wod off kise kya jata ha koi btaipa plz
3845 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#Pmsidra.143 u lick shar add
3845 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#help wod off kise kya jata ha
3845 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#Sidra.143 good u shar add
3845 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#AnzAAPM ME ZAFAR SWAT 23 intro plz
3846 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

3846 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zafar @Guest75

#Unsab wod
3849 Day(s) ago: SMS
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