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Hani (HANIA8)
Last seen 2635 Day(s) Ago
Female 31 years old,Karachi, Sindh
I'm really an Enigma for others
Last seen 2635 Day(s) Ago
Female 31 years old,Karachi, Sindh
I'm really an Enigma for others

Assalam u Alaykum
We�meet people for a specific reason. They're either a blessing or a lesson.
Stay blessed !!
We�meet people for a specific reason. They're either a blessing or a lesson.
Stay blessed !!

ultim8 good awaits those who do good in this world
Al Qura�
Al Qura�

#RamzanMayJab light nhi hoti so do pray to Allah that for the sake of this worldly heat do prevent from Hell fire!!
2848 Day(s) ago: Android

The greatest jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evi within yourself
prophet Muhammad S.A.W
prophet Muhammad S.A.W

le always have 2 things on their lips Silence & Smile

Do you?
"Wounded knees and broken toys were better than wounded emotions and broken hearts..!
|Try to not hurt anyone by yourself|
Do you?
"Wounded knees and broken toys were better than wounded emotions and broken hearts..!
|Try to not hurt anyone by yourself|