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Waqas (IT2010)
Last seen 3156 Day(s) Ago
Male 31 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Education at: The Superior College (Punjab)
Hi, its Waqas fr0m Sarg0dha DAE IT 2013 Completed. @IT2015 IT2010
Last seen 3156 Day(s) Ago
Male 31 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Education at: The Superior College (Punjab)
Hi, its Waqas fr0m Sarg0dha DAE IT 2013 Completed. @IT2015 IT2010

Sad moment is when Rickshaw get a better shape than a 0.7 Million worth car "Suzuki Mehran"
P.S KP Govt plans to introduce Electronic Rickshaws for a better environment.
P.S KP Govt plans to introduce Electronic Rickshaws for a better environment.
3259 Day(s) ago: Web

using social networks first time in uni official LAB 

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