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princess Jiya (JiyaAfzal)
Last seen 3519 Day(s) Ago
Female , 19 years old,Karachi, Sindh
Last seen 3519 Day(s) Ago
Female , 19 years old,Karachi, Sindh

Happy Birthday Somiya.. May Allah shower all his blessings on u & ur family Ameen
Stay blessed.
Stay blessed.

#Dekhbhai if u r a muslim girl plz never fall in love with any unknown boys nd don't make relationship before marriage. Bec it's not a halaal relations in our religion. So plz thnk first before doing any thng wrong.

#Dekhbhai kbhi koi kaam asa na karo jisa apko embrassment feel ho aur ap chaha kr bhi kisi sa wo bat kisi apnay sa na kah sakain.

Silent Lips avoid many
But Smiling Lips solve many
So Always Keep Smiling...
But Smiling Lips solve many
So Always Keep Smiling...

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Always be sincere with everyone, Whether they are not sincere with you..!!

if a person truly loves you and sincere with you , So never played their emotions and feelings...!!

Sometimes we fail to understand the feelings of very close person in our lives, because a book held very near to eyes is very difficult to read....!