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Hassan Naqvi (LoVe-PK)
Last seen 3191 Day(s) Ago
Male , 17 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
!<W3lc0m3>! aDD Love-PK SenD To 03318190484 FoR #IsLaMiC-MsG #JoKeS #PoeTrY #TrIx
Last seen 3191 Day(s) Ago
Male , 17 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
!<W3lc0m3>! aDD Love-PK SenD To 03318190484 FoR #IsLaMiC-MsG #JoKeS #PoeTrY #TrIx

Ab To TuM Hiii Ho BaQiii MuJh MaiN...!!!
-- ??? --
WoH Jo MaiN Tha WoH To MaR GaYa TuM PaR...!!!
M BacK
3191 Day(s) ago: SMS

- >" Ik PaL MaiN Jo BarBaaD KaR DeTy HaiN DiL Ki BasTi Ko . .. !
- >" WoH LoG DeKhNaY MaiN AkSaR MaS 0 oM HoTy HaiN .. .!
G0oG NiGhT
- >" WoH LoG DeKhNaY MaiN AkSaR MaS 0 oM HoTy HaiN .. .!
G0oG NiGhT

3345 Day(s) ago: Mobile

Relations does not need cute voice or L0vely face,
It just needs an unbreakable trust,
beautiful understanding and responsible heart...!
It just needs an unbreakable trust,
beautiful understanding and responsible heart...!
3674 Day(s) ago: Mobile

updated profiles picture on Smile!
To view it on your Mobile click on
To view it on your Mobile click on

->"TuMHaRi NaFRaT PaR Bhi LuTa Di ZinDaGi
HuM Ne...!
->"aFsoS aGaR TuM "MoHaBBaT" KarTaY To SoChO HuM KiYa KaRTaY...!

->"Ik PaL MaiN Jo BarBaaD KaR DeTy HaiN DiL Ki BasTi Ko...!
->"WoH LoG DeKhNaY MaiN AkSaR MaS0oM HoTy HaiN...!
Go0D NiiGhT
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