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Awais Qarni (malik-willer)
Last seen 1898 Day(s) Ago
Male 33 years old,Faisalabad, Punjab
One thing u can't hide. Is when u r crippled inside
Last seen 1898 Day(s) Ago
Male 33 years old,Faisalabad, Punjab
One thing u can't hide. Is when u r crippled inside

He online !
She online !
No one texted
And ego wins

Tum na suni nhi hy saada shakist-e-dil [........]
Him jheelty rahy hen yeh nuqsan,,, tum nhi [........]

Kr k0ch mera ilaaj be aay nasihat'daan [........]
Jis din pura chand h0,,, s0ta nhi hu me [........]
Jis din pura chand h0,,, s0ta nhi hu me [........]

Me tanu smja wa ki. Na tera bhaj0 lag d jee. Tu ki jan'ny pyr mera. Me kara intazr tera sana.
2917 Day(s) ago: SMS

"I can Calculate the every thing even the speed of light. But, i just Can't calculate hate of the people behind of their smiles.."
Gud nit..
3237 Day(s) ago: SMS

Tmri waalahana be'khudi na,,, gar0r-e-zindagi beksha tha mujk0 [......]
Jh0n elia
3244 Day(s) ago: SMS