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Tehreem (Mathematics)
Last seen 2886 Day(s) Ago
Female , 20 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Hy I am Tehreem Khan Fr0m Sargodha Mathematics Student.
Last seen 2886 Day(s) Ago
Female , 20 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Hy I am Tehreem Khan Fr0m Sargodha Mathematics Student.

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In most sciences one generation tears down another has built and what one has established another undoes. In mathematics alone each generation built a new story to the old structure.
HERMANN HANKEL(German Mathematician)
HERMANN HANKEL(German Mathematician)

As our elders may Allah have mercy upon them, used to say, "The study of mathematics is for the mind like sop for the clothes, which washes away from them dirt and cleans the spots and stains".
IBN-E-KHALDUN(Muslim Historian and Philospher)
IBN-E-KHALDUN(Muslim Historian and Philospher)

ہوں چراغِ داغ بنا ہوا سرِ شام جلتا ہوں شوق سے
مرے پاس آئیں گے وہ کبھی جنہیں اک سحر کی تلاش ہے

If you have any pr0blem relating to Mathematics you can ask me in PM.

The couplet is - Dushmani jum kr karo, pr itni gunjayish rahe, ki phir kabhi hum dost ban jayein to sharminda na hon.

Hazaar Jaan-e-Girami Fida-e-Naaam-eAli
Haiderium Qalandarum Mastam Banda-e-Murtaza Ali Hastum
Kabhe Diwaar Hilti Hai Kabhe Dar Kanp Jata Hai
Ali Ka Naaam Sun K Ab Bhi Khyber Kanp Jata Hai