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Murtaza B0zdar (Murtaza69)
Last seen 898 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Jhelum, Punjab
Last seen 898 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Jhelum, Punjab

On this occasion of Eid-ul-Fitar, I pray for your long life, health and prosperity, May ALLAH shower His countless blessings over you and your family and May you see countless Happy events like that in your life ahead. Wish you a blessing, Happiest EID MUBARAK to alL
3893 Day(s) ago: SMS

Boy text his girl friend: Jaan, I can't live without you. Will you marry me?
"Killing Reply"
Girl: Kon marr raha hai ab? I lost all my contacts...
Listen XMs Likh K 8333 Pe Bej Dain..
Share Must..
#Fun #XMs
3940 Day(s) ago: SMS

Murtaza B0zdar (@Murtaza69) just checked his #Love with Maheen(zobia)
There exists 23% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 23% Love!
Check yours reply GameL