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M.NADEEM BAJWA (Nadeem143)
Last seen 3414 Day(s) Ago
Male , 19 years old,Lahore, Punjab
Last seen 3414 Day(s) Ago
Male , 19 years old,Lahore, Punjab

"Dreams and Destiny are two
separate dimensions of life
It would be a fantastic
combination when they finally
meet !!
separate dimensions of life
It would be a fantastic
combination when they finally
meet !!
4215 Day(s) ago: SMS

M.NADEEM BAJWA (@Nadeem143) just checked his #Love with Dj143
There exists 86% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 86% Love!
Check yours reply GameL

M.NADEEM BAJWA (@Nadeem143) just checked his #Love with Princ3sslubna
There exists 42% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 42% Love!
Check yours reply GameL

M.NADEEM BAJWA (@Nadeem143) just checked his #Love with Princ3ssLuBnA
There exists 42% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 42% Love!
Check yours reply GameL

M.NADEEM BAJWA (@Nadeem143) just checked his #Love with Nighat
There exists 36% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 36% Love!
Check yours reply GameL

Frnds Lhr mei Boht Kamal Ka Mosam Ha Aj Its Raining Here? Apke Shehar Mei Mosam Kesa Ha
4305 Day(s) ago: SMS