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Nazia Yaqoob (Nazia34)
Last seen 3466 Day(s) Ago
Female ,Lahore, Punjab
Last seen 3466 Day(s) Ago
Female ,Lahore, Punjab

#TuM GaYe To KaBhi PhiR SeHeR Na Huii. . .
RaaT Hi HoTi RaHi HaR RaaT K BaaD.
Missing my mothr feeling sad
RaaT Hi HoTi RaHi HaR RaaT K BaaD.
Missing my mothr feeling sad
3476 Day(s) ago: SMS

no thnx i don't need to anyone's help

There r sweet but v.sad wather...

via KHK: 4 some 1 asking me 
Tumhain maloom b hai mai tanha jee ni skti...!!!
Meri adat Badlny tk mery sath reh jao ...!!!!

Tumhain maloom b hai mai tanha jee ni skti...!!!
Meri adat Badlny tk mery sath reh jao ...!!!!

Thnx ALLAH G 4 this rainy day ur r the only one who knowz our needz enjoy the "rainy fast"

The most sincere relation in this world is "Mother" there is no alternat of this relation plz take care of ur motherz.this is my 1st ramzan widout my mother i miss her so much