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Masood-janan (Network)
Last seen 3207 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
If u Want all things in one ID Then write Add AishvA Send to 03318190479. Thanks Dear Take cArE. .!
Last seen 3207 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
If u Want all things in one ID Then write Add AishvA Send to 03318190479. Thanks Dear Take cArE. .!
Hi how are you and what's up?
Two things define your personality...
" The way you manage when you have nothing "
" The way you behave when you have everything ".
H r u
ADD Fatima18
ADD Fatima18
Jo Add KraY Ga & Share KreY Ga Me Us Ko BesT FrienD Bnao Ga
@ HurrY Up It's NoT Joke
4039 Day(s) ago: SMS
"Expression of eyes can b read by evryone".
"Depression of Heart can b read only by best one!
Care 4 evryone but
"dont lose the best one.
4040 Day(s) ago: SMS
Once a pers0n br0ke my heart int0 pices....
N0w every piece 0f my heart l0ve different pers0ns, and pe0ple call me flirter.....!
H0W UNFAIR........?
4069 Day(s) ago: SMS
SAlam frndz how r u all?
May apni id bhej raha hun only in Rs 500.
2500 lstners hain jis kisi ko bhe kharidna ha contact me at 03459896707. ThankS
May apni id bhej raha hun only in Rs 500.
2500 lstners hain jis kisi ko bhe kharidna ha contact me at 03459896707. ThankS