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Pagli (Pagli1)
Last seen 2784 Day(s) Ago
Female , 20 years old,Karachi, Sindh
me just me bus
Last seen 2784 Day(s) Ago
Female , 20 years old,Karachi, Sindh
me just me bus

#tips Add flaxseed to any salad and bring great health benefits during weight loss. Lose weight for the better not worse.

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3691 Day(s) ago: Web

#Meetme Lahsun ka istemal high blood pressure, dil ki dharkan or cancer jesay amraz ki behtareen dava hay #health #diet

#Tips Lahsun ka istemal high blood pressure, dil ki dharkan or cancer jesay amraz ki behtareen dava hay#health #diet #meetme
3698 Day(s) ago: SMS

#Meetme Glowing: Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk,dip a pad of cotton,rub on face gently in circular,upward strokes on neck.Leave this on for 15 mint.Wash with cold water. #Tips #girls
3830 Day(s) ago: SMS