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Kashif Khan (Pak-Heaven)
Last seen 3931 Day(s) Ago
Kashif Khan (Pak-Heaven) has not updated profiles yet!
Kashif Khan @Pak-heaven

#Help #tags made for Help ok Dude
4099 Day(s) ago: SMS
Kashif Khan @Pak-heaven

#HELP plz tell me k Hash.tags kia hote he eg #pakistan
4099 Day(s) ago: SMS
Kashif Khan @Pak-heaven via Islamsms @Islamsms

- big.tricks ab ap kren any network to any network pe free call 100%working me khud use karti hon jhote pe lanat
trick time 9march rat 9 bje
show na ho to silent krna

listen big.tricks to 8333

share it get trick tonight. and daily bigtrixs .sh
4399 Day(s) ago: SMS
Kashif Khan @Pak-heaven

bhai kese share karo me is service me new ho c0mm0nd ka nae pta
4407 Day(s) ago: SMS

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