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KAashi (Princekaashi)
Last seen 3738 Day(s) Ago
Male , 21 years old,Wah cantt, Punjab
Education at: International Islamic Uni (Islamabad)
Add Me for Cricket updates. You can also Follow me on Twitter.
Last seen 3738 Day(s) Ago
Male , 21 years old,Wah cantt, Punjab
Education at: International Islamic Uni (Islamabad)
Add Me for Cricket updates. You can also Follow me on Twitter.

One of the great leaders Pakistan have ever seen. Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Happy 25th december. Love you Quid.
3738 Day(s) ago: SMS

"Watan Ki Fikar Kar Nadan! Musibat Ane Wali Hai...!
"Teri Barbadiyon Ke Mashware Hen Asmanon Men...!
Happy IQBAL Day
09 November
"Teri Barbadiyon Ke Mashware Hen Asmanon Men...!
Happy IQBAL Day
09 November

Rigging is proved. Every1 watch ARY News. Khara Such with Greatest journalist Mubashir Lucman. @Flux_24x7 #PTI
3860 Day(s) ago: SMS

Zuban sy Dais Dharti ko Pakistan b kehty hen...*
Musalman hen, wafa ko hasil-e-iman b kehty hen...*
Mgr hairat hui Ahl-e-Qayadat pr...*
Watan ko lut'ty b hen,watan ko maa b kehty hen...*
Happy 14th August.
#PTI #AzadiMarchPTI
Musalman hen, wafa ko hasil-e-iman b kehty hen...*
Mgr hairat hui Ahl-e-Qayadat pr...*
Watan ko lut'ty b hen,watan ko maa b kehty hen...*
Happy 14th August.
#PTI #AzadiMarchPTI
3871 Day(s) ago: SMS

BREAKING: Jamshed Dasti announced to join PTI & will participate in long march. #PTI
3879 Day(s) ago: SMS

x+y+z= 61
x+y+z= 61

Germany qualified for the World Cup Semi Final for 4th time in a row & overall 13th time.
Germany 1
France 0.
#Football #FIFA #GERvFRA
Germany 1
France 0.
#Football #FIFA #GERvFRA
3911 Day(s) ago: SMS

Brazil qualified for the quarter final. Remain 1-1 aftet extra time & did 3-2 in penelaties against Chili. What a match it was. #FifaWC2014 #Football