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Rose (Rose384)
Last seen 2777 Day(s) Ago
Female ,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i m Rose frm Peshawar i like painting
Last seen 2777 Day(s) Ago
Female ,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i m Rose frm Peshawar i like painting


"Never ign0re a pers0n who l0ves u, cares for u and misses u; Because 0ne day you might wake up fr0m your sleep and realize that y0u l0st the m0on while c0unting the stars...!

Those who are Special never go away.They walk beside us everydy
Unseen Unheard
But Still near
Still Special
still Missed & still very dear.
G0od m0rning
Unseen Unheard
But Still near
Still Special
still Missed & still very dear.
G0od m0rning

asalamalikum! How r u all?

Love In Words Of Cricket
"Loving some1 who dosn't lov u is
Like Batting when Need 7Runs in 1ball
We know
its imposible
But we still have a small hope of
"Loving some1 who dosn't lov u is
Like Batting when Need 7Runs in 1ball
We know
its imposible
But we still have a small hope of

hi how r u all?