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Rj Sulmeen appi (SAMAARISE)
Last seen 2339 Day(s) Ago
Female 38 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
Education at: Quaid-i-Azam Uni (Islamabad)
I am Rj Sulmeen appi join us on twitter follow @Rjsulmeen Type on mobile Listen samaarise send 8583 |)iL ma samaa
Last seen 2339 Day(s) Ago
Female 38 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
Education at: Quaid-i-Azam Uni (Islamabad)
I am Rj Sulmeen appi join us on twitter follow @Rjsulmeen Type on mobile Listen samaarise send 8583 |)iL ma samaa

#NationalBoyfriendDay Dear bf, I haven't found you yet but if I do I hope you treat me well and show me all the love you've got for me. #samaarise #quote
like us on facebook page SAMAARISE
like us on facebook page SAMAARISE

Life is short,live it.Love is rare,grab it.Anger is bad, dump it.Fear is awful, face it.Truth is good,tell it
Rj Sulmeen appi #quote #quotes #smile
Rj Sulmeen appi #quote #quotes #smile

#Success is the #result of good #judgement, which is the result of #experience, experience is often the result of bad judgement
#Poetry #samaarise
#Poetry #samaarise

#AchaSorry #poetry #add The biggest waste of time and energy is to keep trying to explain something to someone who doesn’t want to hear it.get more quote Like us on facebook page SAMAARISE