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Shoaib Khan (Shoaib5314)
Last seen 2888 Day(s) Ago
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Smiles 4 Listeners 1Interests 10
Shoaib Khan @Shoaib5314

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2915 Day(s) ago: Android
Shoaib Khan @Shoaib5314

PLX C0NT ME 03432530306.
3940 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shoaib Khan @Shoaib5314

plx c0nt me my num 03432530306. Mjhe apxe kxh puchna hai.
3949 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shoaib Khan @Shoaib5314

w0uld u like frndshp with me plx 03432530306
3949 Day(s) ago: SMS
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