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Sad Soul (xMarTY-lLarKa)
Last seen 3567 Day(s) Ago
Male , 18 years old,Karachi, Sindh
I Don't Have Attitude Problem! I Just Have A Personality That Yew People Can't Handle!
Smiles 2,032 Friends 8Listeners 6Interests 25
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

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3567 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

3727 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

Bachi keh rhi he me pehle 8 r0ze nae rkh0ngi,
3829 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

*"""AkElLa MEiN AziYaT MEiN NaHi H0ON...!
*"""Dar-0-DeeWaar TErE MuNTaZir HEiN.....!!!
4004 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

Mr-PErF3CT just checked his #name meaning
Asad means Happy, fortunate, lucky, Lion

Check yours reply GameN
4149 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

Smarty (@Mr-PErF3CT) just checked his #Love with Pakistan\'s Biggest City
There exists 44% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
4149 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

Smarty (@Mr-PErF3CT) just checked his #Love with GuMsuM-GirlL
There exists 53% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
4149 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Sad Soul @Xmarty-llarka

Smarty (@Mr-PErF3CT) just checked his #Love with Karachi
There exists 22% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
4149 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
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